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Nova contratação, Mina Mandic, posição de Guarda-Redes.

Apresentamos a nossa nova contratação, Mina Mandic, que vem ocupar a posição de Guarda-Redes no Madeira Andebol SAD. Começou a sua carreira em Montenegro, na sua terra Natal, Nikšić. passando, mais tarde, por equipas na Islândia. Considera Portugal um país dominante na modalidade de andebol, sendo esta uma motivação para a sua vinda para o nosso país e, especialmente, para o nosso clube.

Deixamos, abaixo, o seu testemunho relativamente à sua carreira, bem como a sua personalidade, vinda para Portugal e a sua opinião sobre a modalidade no nosso país.

“I started my career in my hometown Nikšić. I played in the Handball Club Levalea 2010 and in the Handball Club Devetka from Podgorica. I was a member of all national teams, except for the senior team and I hope that, with effort and work, I will be part of the first team. Later I signed in Iceland, in the Handball Club Selfoss and I brought the team into the elite ranks. The following season, I signed for Afturelding and had a very good season there, as well as in Selfoss and also finished with the first place.”

I consider myself a very positive person, I like to work on myself and of course I like to progress and give my best. I have many individual awards. But the prizes I win with the team are my favorite.

(Portugal is) a country that has been dominant in handball for many years. Very good for developing handball and a country that is popular in all sports. Portugal has a very high level of handball and players who want to progress and gain experience at a higher level have great chances. My coach Olga Sekulić, who was a member of Madeira earlier in her career, only gave me good words for the club and for everything else that should interest a young player. And I am very honored that I will be part of the team and fight to achieve all the goals of the club. I was told that the people are very approachable and positive. And that it is a dream country.”


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